Sunday, August 26, 2007

Micah's Song

I have a friend named Greg. Greg is an attorney by profession but he is a poet, a musician and a theologian by heart. Greg is a theologian in the purest, truest sense of the word; he seeks to study God for no other purpose than to know Him. Greg has light bulb moments that not only light up his life, but they light up those who are blessed with the ears to hear.

Greg wrote and worked hard to produce a cd in the last year or so. The cd was definitely a work in progress. I heard bits and pieces of it for a long time before the final cd was produced. I was fortunate enough to be present for a private concert or two and heard many of the stories behind the songs. Every couple of months I would ask about the cd. It was always coming along. When I was finally gifted with the cd I knew many of the songs and sang along. I put it in the car and played it for the family. Many of the songs had an appeal for one member of the family or other.

In the midst of a trying week, as I was driving into work, Micah's Song was playing. I was listening to the melody line,(ba ba dah, ba da da, ba da dah dah ba da da da da dah)and it really spoke to my heart. I listened all the way through and hit the button to play it again. Then I hit it again and this wave of joy just welled up within me. I can't really describe it better. It's not happiness, it's not really a feeling though of course you feel it. It's this sensation of all being well in my world. It's warm and peaceful and exciting and joyful. It's a shame how inadequate words can be. I reached for my cell phone immediately (don't tell anyone but occasionally I talk while I drive) to tell Greg but he was tied up with a client. I told him later but it wasn't exactly the same. It was such a joy filled moment I wished I could share it with him. I probably wouldn't have had the words then either but perhaps he might have caught the Spirit in my voice.

I know Micah's Song was born from a tune Micah woke up with in his head one morning. I thought the song might have meaning to me because Greg and his family have a special place in my heart, but I think its much more than that. I have thought about how funny we people are. We think we have so much to contribute but really God gives gifts and then enables people to use them in such a way that he can reveal himself to others. That's what I think Micah's Song is; born from an idea in one head, crafted by the gifts given to another to reach others, me included, with the joy of the Spirit, beyond description. I have listened to Micah's Song from time to time since then, always enjoyed it, always thought the melody was refreshing and renewing.

Today on my way back from a long weekend, the sun was shinning. The sky was a beautiful blue with huge white clouds dotted here and there. It was warm but not too warm and I drove with the sunroof open. Micah's Song started and the joy began to bubble up again. A smile filled my soul and I felt the presence of God in a tangible real way. And I felt that sense of love that defies words, that God really thinks I am the apple of his eye and he delights in these moments with me. It was a wonderful gift and I am so awed that in all of the universe, God should choose to spend a delightful moment dancing with this knucklehead.

I thought instantly of my friend Greg, but the timing was wrong again. I wondered if perhaps it was wrong on purpose. Maybe that moment was just a moment for me to share with my Eternal Father. Somehow I think Greg already knows. I think God has danced with him a time or two and he has honored the desire of Greg's heart. I think that God will go on using his children to touch his children, one knucklehead to another.

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