Friday, August 3, 2007

Frantic Time

Yikes! I have done it again. I have thrown three hundred balls into the air and now I am trying to keep them all up there. Why do I do this? Why do I feel the need to have at least two, three, seven, ten projects all running at the same time.

I will tell you why. Despite the frantic, stressful feel, I love the energy! I do. I really like the way it feels when I am running full throttle. When my brain is fully engaged and I am jumping from thought to thought to thought, ping ping ping. I like the way I have to use every neuron and electron to hold all of the details in place. I really like that fast action, check it off the list and move on intensity and I really like when it comes together and the results are fabulous. When they aren't, I am not so happy, but still I am ready to learn from the experience and move on. Learning and moving on are a good combination.

I love the creativity of a new project. I like the ground clearing, brain challenging, idea formulating, volunteer recruiting, vision sharing part. I really love it when you communicate an idea that excites people who then take the concept and run with it. I love that. It is like giving birth. Only no diapers. Heck, I really like that. Come to think of it, no tuition later either.

And I love a challenge. Give me a job, let me figure out how to get it done and then let me move on. I need something in the wings all the time, my friends. What will I ever do when I run out of new projects to take on? I think then I will know it's time to do something else. I think that's how I got out of accounting. There came the day when I felt like I had done it all for the billionth time and I just couldn't do it again.

Some folks find repetition comforting. I suppose it is in some ways. I certainly tend to react the same ways to stress and even happiness. I like my routines left alone. I like order and method and I don't want mine interfered with. But when it comes to energy, to passion, to the stuff that makes me jump out of bed in the morning and wake up in the wee small hours making notes, it needs to be something new. Something that makes me turn on the creativity and get it lined up and out. It's the stuff that gives me a buzz and makes my eyes light up. I have been told from across a room you can tell when I have had a new idea. Perhaps this is true, but I am doubtful. I always have a new idea!

The deadline is approaching, the details need nailing down and the make or break point is now. The blood is pumping, my wheels are whirling and those who love me are headed for cover. From now until Sunday at 7, when the latest project is over, it's all speed and fury. As show time approaches a million questions fly through my mind and the adrenaline pumps by the gallon. It may not be pretty but boy it's fun. Life is a party, my friends. Grab your sneakers and lets go!

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