Tuesday, August 7, 2007


People who have accomplished work worthwhile have had a very high
sense of the way to do things. They have not been content with mediocrity.
They have not confined themselves to the beaten tracks; they have never
been satisfied to do things just as others so them, but always a little
better. They always pushed things that came to their hands a little higher
up, this little farther on, that counts in the quality of life's work. It
is constant effort to be first-class in everything one attempts that
conquers the heights of excellence.

Orison Swett Marden
(1850-1924, American author, founder of Success Magazine)

For many years now I have been getting these daily quotes. I can't even tell you where they come from. They just show up, mostly every day, sometimes only a couple of times a week. There was a long spell where they stopped and I figured I had been removed from the daily quote list. Then one day they were back and I was a happy camper again.

The daily quotes do not always speak to me. Sometimes when I read one I scratch my head and think, what does that mean?! I think the person picking the quotes, who ever that may be, is doing the same thing. I think sometimes it's late and they need a quote and they pick one and they think perhaps that is so esoteric everyone will think it means something. This may not be entirely true, but I think it is a possibility. For example, I think Maya Angelou is a profound writer, but if she shows up in the daily quotes, there is not a chance in the world I am going to understand. I think the quote is chosen to be deliberately thought provoking. I do enough provoking thought without encouragement.

This quote spoke to me. This quote could easily become my creed. It is exactly how I feel about life, about work, about purpose and vision. I think it is stuff that dreams are made of, the pushing harder and higher, dreaming ever bigger and better dreams. I think the idea that we can take something and develop it and make it a little better than we found it, is an inspirational one. It is certainly the desire I try to instill in my kids and one I try to live out every day.

I guess the question is, am I trying to win approval or salvation as a result of working toward excellence. The answer is, yes, there was a time, a long time when that was exactly what I was trying to do. The results were somewhat less than satisfactory as for every moment I had of excellence, I had two of disappointing failure. In embracing God's grace, unmerited favor not based in what I can do for him but in his amazing love for me, I didn't change my outlook but I sure changed my motivation. It isn't any longer a push to earn God's love, but in response to God's love. I don't think anymore how can I make God happy today? Now I think, I have been given so much, how do I give back?

I have thought for a number of years now about Bishop Robert Morgan and his analogy of scriptural/spiritual/sacrificial/sacramental: have to/want to/choose to/ need to. I have hungered for a relationship with God that is based in needing to be in fellowship with him. I have prayed about it for years. I think understanding grace has moved me another step closer. I certainly have moved beyond having to and wanting to. I think I often choose to, every now and then I need to. I want the sacramental to become much more a part of my being.

Moving higher up and farther in is a very satisfying pursuit. May today we discover many opportunities to embrace satisfaction.

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