Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Many Happy Returns of the Day

Today was my birthday. Actually it was the anniversary of my birth since I am not longer counting years. When we passed the fingers and toes, I lost count anyway. And really what is the point in that? As a lady from my church said, in reference to her 90th birthday, 90 is nothing these days! By the way, this sweet lady drives herself to church several days a week and does pretty much what she pleases in between. She is well dressed and has the coolest shoes I have ever seen. This is how I wish to be 90.

But I digress. Today was my birthday and while this is truly only fascinating to me, the generosity of my friends and family was astonishing. I mean really, you would think I was someone. I got a birthday breakfast, a birthday lunch, cards, letters, email, people called and sang to me (and none of them appeared to be drunk). It was incredible! Me. I am of no fame or fortune, the only things I have done of merit are usually the mistakes I make that others learn from (value is value even if it is negative). The only things I have said that are quoted come in the same category and usually are repeated at inappropriate times. Why would all of those kind people want to make my day special? This is one of those questions that probably have no answer like which came first, the chicken or the egg, but it's fun to ponder. I can tell you that whatever the reason they made me queen for the day. Even with a lousy cold, the day was golden.

This brings me to less than golden part. I am so lousy at this. I never remember anyone's birthday, I really have to make myself remember the kids (almost blew that this year). I buy cards I never send, I am always going to call someone but I never do. What is my deal? Why on earth wouldn't I want to be better at this? I have a friend who is the best card sender ever. Really. If they had such a statue it would be erected in her honor. She has sent me cards for every occasion and always makes me feel like a million bucks. Yet, in all the years of our friendship, I think I have sent her two. She better save them. They might be worth something one day when they publish the book of my life called Lessons Learned the biography of a knucklehead.

I am not even going to pretend I will do better, though there is no excuse to be this lazy. I am going to soak up this wonderful feeling of being loved and remembered and I am going to ask that God make that a trigger to help me be more proactive about passing the blessing along. I may even pick up the phone and sing to someone. Bet I get arrested for making obscene phone calls, but then, it's another chapter for the book.

I certainly had many happy returns of the day. Maybe I can pass that along. Happy birthday Abe Lincoln!

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