Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Crud

Ugh. I have the crud. I do not know what the crud is officially called. I do not care. I am ill and I am very put out about it. I am never ill. I have little patience with illness and I am a bad patient. I think no illness should last longer than a day and once I have given it a day, I expect it to be gone. How very irritating when it chooses not to go.

What is worse, if there is anything worse, is that everyone has the crud, has had the crud or will have the crud and they are not sympathetic. They say things like, ‘oh well, you don’t know what sick is until you throw up for hours on end’. They are right if it that is required, I am not at all interested in considering myself sick. There are also the folks who have what you have only for a longer time, with serious side effects, like their limbs detaching or their head exploding. It is really not worth attempting to get sympathy under these conditions. I do think the requirement to run around yelling ‘unclean, unclean’ is a bit much though. After all if what I have is no big deal, why treat me like a leper and force that anti-bacterial stuff on me continually?

This week our youth, who were going to our local assisted living facility, were cancelled because there is too much illness going around. I certainly understood the concern for the seniors living there and there is lots of illness, but these were teenagers who were willing to go sit with seniors. I guess it would have lost it’s charm if both sides had to wear masks.

We have had lots of lousy cold weather which ought to kill off all these germs. Why do we all seem to succumb to the crud? Last winter I skated, this winter not so much. I hope that means I get next winter off again. Every other year would be better than every year, though not at all as good as always getting a miss. Where do you go to get that deal?

So why have germs to begin with? God in His infinite wisdom could have designed us to be resistant to all these viruses and bacteria that cause us so many problems. Why limit it to saving us from those though, why do we have cancer in all its various manifestations or diabetes or tb or whatever. I heard at the gym that whooping cough is making a return. Why on earth would we want all that stuff, and why would God choose it for us?

You know the answer, as well as I do. God didn’t choose it for us, we chose it for ourselves. As we have been born into broken families and live broken lives, disease seems to be a natural by product. And our bodies like all of nature groan for a restoration to wholeness that is promised. I think one of the wonderful gifts in eternity will not only be the presence of God but also the wholeness of our completed selves. No more germs, no more disease, no more death and no more dying. What a party that will be, what a shame we have to wait. I guess we will certainly enjoy it all the more when it comes. At least this is what I have been told.

I am going to take some more medication and lay down and pray that with the morning comes my return to healthy. I shall dream of the time when I will never succumb again and how wonderful to be whole and complete. Paul says to know as we are fully known. That will be a party. In them meantime, can you please hand me a Kleenex and quit taking all the cough drops?

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