Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

I went to worship last night at 11:00 pm. It was cold and the sky was very clear. On the way in I was sleepy and feeling like I had too many things that remained undone at home to be at church, but it is my job after all. I was a little ahead of time which allowed me to visit with folks who were also running a little early. I saw visiting friends who hadn't been around in awhile. I was pleased to see the numbers grow which was great since it was the first year we had a late service and the earlier service was well attended. We had some sound issues and I mentally noted the problems and frustrations and began thinking through ways to address them. I noticed that during the prayer that having your eyes closed that long at that hour was not wise. I noticed in the middle of the message when David stopped being theological and became personal the congregation connected and became a part of the message. At the altar rail for communion, my neighbor was a friend's husband who is from another denomination and never takes communion with his family. I was blessed to see him there and pleased he chose to join his family at the altar. At the conclusion of worship I chatted with my mission team partner about our trip tomorrow and helped lock up the building. I went to my office to put a few things away and make sure I had checks written and work covered until I am back in January. I walked out thinking I hoped the folks at home had taken care of some of the work waiting as it was late and I was tired. A fellow staff member mentioned the lights needing to stay on later, that if the moon hadn't been so bright it would have been very dark in the parking lot. And that made me look up.

I looked up into the vast expanse of sky and saw the stars twinkling like diamonds. The constellations were vivid against the blackness and I could see them in almost a three dimensional way. For a moment the thankfulness that filled my heart drove out every other thought and I stood in awe of the vastness of the universe and the greatness of God. God, so much bigger than any mind can absorb or imagine, took it upon Himself to become like us for the purpose of providing a bridge to bring His people home. A bridge that God wanted for us even more than we know we want or even need. How incredibly awesome God is, and how many countless hours have I spent in working out the details of stuff that seems to matter so much but in reality is insignificant in the big picture. Oh, that I might have a moonlit moment stored in the forefront of my mind to help me keep centered. May we all.

Merry Christmas.

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