Thursday, December 13, 2007

Foot Soldiers

The church being an army of God is no longer an image that carries much meaning for us. We are all touchy feely these days, much more "make love not war" than "I'm in the Lord's Army, Yes Sir". I understand the thought process and I don't disagree with the theology but I think we have lost a strong visual picture. I see my faith and journey Home very much like the pictures of all the old war movies. Lots of slogging through difficult ground in all kinds of weather, stopping along the way for a skirmish or two. Making good friends for life, and losing some along the way. Moments of sheer and utter panic and fear, boredom and frustration, companionship and fun, loneliness and isolation. That's sums up my faith walk very neatly.

I know the objections. What about having an enemy, we aren't suppose to shoot our enemies as Christians! Aren't we suppose to love them? Yes, of course we are if we are talking about people, but the enemy I battle with daily is not flesh and blood. And I am determined to win. I am determined to win and move on to battle again until one day the battle is over, the enemy defeated and the rest is eternal.

I also think that making it all about love is great, because it is about love, God's love. But I think we have such a warped idea of what love is that we try to turn God and the journey back home into something it never was nor ever could be. It is not all sweetness and light and warm and fuzzy. Telling folks it is just sets them up for failure and confusion when the road to Oz turns into a roller coaster ride or an extended trip through the dark. Telling them they are a foot soldier makes more sense to me.

I guess it's in part because we don't believe in evil as a society any more. We are pretty silly not to do so, because evil certainly believes in us. And the lion who is roaring around looking for prey to devour hunts easier if no one knows he is there. I do not wish to be accused of thinking demons are hiding in the bushes waiting to pounce upon us, but there is definitely evil in the world and it is an enemy capable of inflicting damange and should be treated as such.

So popular or not, I am holding onto my image of being in the Lord's army. I know the final battle is won, the skirmishes are just part of the final victory and I intend to be at the party. Trading in the camouflage and army boots for a ball gown and slippers sounds just heavenly to me.

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