Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Gift That Fits

My friend Valerie came to see me today. She brought much needed clothing for the littlest Engle who is determined to grow through all the clothing he has. And she bought me a book. A book itself is enough for me, as I love to read but this book is special. It is a book by one of my favorite writers named James Behrens. He is a monk who lives at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers, GA. He writes simply but so profoundly that in his daily reflections I find not only comfort but thoughts that park themselves in the back of my mind and revisit me often throughout the day. It is filled with pictures that have already spoken to my heart as I have flipped through the pages. It is a delightful book and I am very thankful.

More than the book though is that thought that went into the gift. I do not mean that my friend has laid in bed many a sleepless night pondering what she could possibly get for me at Christmas that would touch my heart. I am completely confident that this exercise has never entered her mind and I would have to recommend a psychological referral should such an event take place. But what I do mean is that she remembered that this is an author I love and when she saw the book, she bought it and she put it away until the appropriate season. That touches my heart. It reminds me that we cannot know how the ripples we make in the pool effect others but when we are kind and loving and thoughtful and considerate, others are effected.

I will admit I am often more in the 'getting it finished' mode than I am in the 'making gentle ripples' mode. I will also have to confess that while having things finished affirms me in delightful ways, having someone love me and make an effort to communicate that is life affirming, value affirming, worth affirming. At the journey's end, wont those things matter more?

I am rethinking this gift giving. I have always wanted to give gifts that make people happy. I also know that at times I am standing in the store with a huge list of names, a pen in hand. As I find a gift that would be appropriate or acceptable for one of those people a huge check mark is applied. I am remembering them, but I am not sure I am remembering them well. I would like to leave a Godlike fingerprint on the hearts of those I am blessed to love even as I cherish those I have received.

The gift of a heart-thought is priceless. (For everthing else there is MasterCard)

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