Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Beginning

I have been finishing my year in the same way since son Sam was born. I go to KenLake Lodge for a Christian retreat called CFO. I love to have this time, I love the environment, the overall experience and atmosphere and the time away. Someone else cooks my food, makes my bed, brings me clean towels every day and cleans my bathroom. I have lovely companions and great location, incredible scenery. Who on earth could want more?!

This year there was not enough participation and we didn't have CFO. For the second year in a row my church was sponsoring a mission trip during the same time frame called Christmas House. As CFO wasn't happening I thought perhaps this might be the time for me to take a mission trip. We have been sending teams to Mississippi and Alabama since Katrina and I had never gone. I admit that I was not overwhelmingly excited about going either, but there was always a reasonable excuse for not going. One by one all my reasonable excuses resolved. We would leave December 26 and return on January 1. We would be working on several different projects, staying at a church there, sleeping on the floor. My Christmas list changed to include tools and an air mattress. My prayers adapted to include surviving the lack of privacy, long hours and hard work. And on December 26 I took my bags and enough luggage to last a month and at 5 am I was in my church parking lot, coffee in hand, smile glued on my face.

It is a lifetime later. I am back home and it would be tedious for me to describe the week and worse for you to read about it. It was filled with frustrations and sore muscles and depressing living conditions and delays in materials. I did a lot of physical labor I have not done in a long time, some of it never. There was no sexism on the job site, everyone was expected to do what they could and there was work for everyone. One night my right arm was so sore I could not use it to drive home and I could not pick up the ice tea pitcher to pour drinks. I lived for the moment we got back to the church and I was in the shower under the hot water. We were up at 5 every morning and I was ready for bed before lights out at 9:30. I had a hard time sleeping on an air mattress and getting up and down from the floor. My boots got heavy and climbing up ladders was hard on my knees. We had team members who talked incessantly and at times it was like fingernails on the chalkboard. I am not a huge fan of dust and dirt and I was dusty and dirty from sun up to sun down every day. One day there was only bologna for lunch. Yuck.

And yet, while all of that is true it doesn't tell you anytbing at all about the mission trip. It was so much more than words can describe. In the midst of all of that, I saw the Body of Christ in action and I saw that I truly was a part of the Body. I received grace daily, almost hourly. I was given support by my team, the folks we worked for, the church who hosted us, the people who slept around me. I was given small gifts of love at almost every turn. People brought me tools, water, coffee and grins. They complimented my attempts and offered advice and encouragement when I was stuck. While I worked hard and got sore and achy, I was surrounded by folks who worked just as hard if not harder. There was no discussion about the aches and pains or soreness, no complaints about hard work. 60 some people waiting for the same 7 showers all doing so with little impatience. Those who had kids worked hard to have them clean before the teams got back to help with the traffic jam. There was good cheer, much humor, intentional joy. We were not the only team present, there were many others working in the same area, many who have gone before, many who will follow us. It was such a revelation to see that where the need was great, the response was great. The frustrations were frustrations and the material problems created delays, but the team found ways to work around them and used the time to rest or sight see or to clean. We shared a huge project or two that was accomplished because there were many who would carry it with us. I was blessed even as I hope I was a blessing.

The church who hosted us not only allowed us to use their facility, they worked around us. They worshipped with our sleeping bags and suitcases against the walls of their sanctuary. They used only two of the four Sunday School classes so we could leave our things where they were. They worked around the air mattresses and piles and if they were put out, they didn't say so. We came home but there will be more who follow in our steps and the church will host them as well. I am awed by the sincere living out, in a daily manner, the servant heart we are all called to have. I didn't meet even one member of the church in Mississippi but they witnessed to me profoundly.

It's a new year, a new start and I hope I have new vision to begin again. I want to take the mission lesson to translate into my daily life. The problems are problems but they are not the end, they are the means to the solutions and the opportunity and the blessings we both need and want to share.

Oh Lord, my God:
In this day may I see your hand in each moment. May I serve with the heart of those who have witnessed to me grace in action. May I live as a vital part of the Body to accomplish Your purposes. And may I be a part of furthering Your Kingdom as You are calling, withholding no part of me but being fully surrendered to Your will and Your way. Let Your love fill my heart and spill out to the world around me. Equip me with the strength and courage to serve with determination, and the faith to know it will be sufficient. Make me a blessing to someone today and give me the vision to see You in all. May Your Peace that passes understanding fill my heart and mind that I may be a vessel You can use to reach others. In all, may I learn to know You so well that I share Your heart and Your vision. Forgive my failings, heal my wounds and injuries and those that I have caused. Finish the good work You have begun in and through me that You maybe glorified in and through my life. I give you the praise, the thanks and the credit. I love you. In Jesus' glorious name. Amen

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