Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday, Sunday

It's Sunday morning and as I roll out of bed I am already thinking through the responsibilities of the day. I have a class to teach, two worship services to attend, a Bible study to attend and the work week to prepare for. I am certainly not unique in Kingdom work, all those who are involved in ministry have schedules that are very similar. We are busy people, trying to be faithful to the people God has entrusted to our care. I heard Adam Hamilton once say that those in ministry had to do whatever it took to be up and positive even if that meant drinking a six pack of mountain dew because it is our job. I think he was right, it is our job and we need to take is seriously. I try to, I think about it every Sunday morning and try to remind myself that I am entitled to feelings and moods but they can't impact work.

Still, because I was not always a full time ministry person, I think we are missing something. God wants us to enjoy worship, it's our offering of praise and thanksgiving. He wants us to have grateful and joyful hearts. He wants to us to see these moments as opportunity to be embraced, not as work to be endured. I know we can't always run gleefully to worship every Sunday but I think it ought to be more than obedience. Obedience has it's place and I am all for responding faithfully, but I am also sure God wants us to come in expectation of a moment in His presence. I want to go knowing I am a fortunate woman, that God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve on the front lines and through His grace, and filled with His Spirit, I might actually be able to further the Kingdom. What a privilege! Why do I keep forgetting this when Sunday mornings roll around.

I think part of the responsibility in the community of faith needs to be the constant reminder that what we do is a gift. We have been given the talent and courage and the resources we need from God. We are given the people and the opportunity and the time from God. Whatever fruit we bear and whatever lives are changed and whatever mercy is evidenced is all God's. We just get to say yes, and be present. What kind of glorious job is that? Of course the yes is hard. Of course the work is difficult and the days are long and the people are well....stupid sheep. But we are constantly renewed with what we need if we remember where to go to get it. What kind of opportunity is that?

I don't always like this job. In fact, there are days when I dislike it greatly. There are times when the people are tough, the sacrifice is great, and being sold out and surrendered sounds better on a tee shirt. There are dry spells where my soul is parched waiting for refreshing grace to rain on me. There are times when, like Elijah, I cry out to God; I am the only one you have left! Why are you treating me this way? There are times when the awesome nature of a mighty God so astound me that I am humbled to my knees and amazed that He would ever mess with a silly little girl like me. There are times when the presence of God is so strong that it is electrifying and I can hear the rushing wind and I know that I know that I know He is in this place. God save me from thinking this job is just another job. Or that a day is just another day.

So it's Sunday. Let's go see a miracle take place.

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