Saturday, November 1, 2008

A sabbath rest

It is Saturday. This is a a day I reserve for my favorite past time, a hold over from my teenage years. I sleep in. I love to sleep in, it's like decadence at it's very best.

I have always longed to sleep in. I didn't realize, until I had child number three, that sleeping in is a genetic trait. It is inborn. You might always have to get up early but you are a sleeper-inner under all that discipline. Mr. Sam is a sleeper inner too. The rest of the boys have their father's preset to rise early. I believe this is genetically inferior but it must be acknowledged that Benjamin Franklin disagreed with this. After all he wrote that stuff about early to bed and early to rise and the early bird gets the worm and yadda yadda yadda. Still, is there truly anything better than sleeping in and waking up to feel like king of the world?

I think this is better than just about anything I can think of, with perhaps an exception or two. It's soothing to the soul. It's refreshing and invigorating. It's glorious, no wonder God wanted to include a day off in the creative order. Why on earth doesn't everyone enjoy this experience?!

Yet the truth is, it is not every one's cup of tea. There are folks who think bounding out of bed is some kind of wonderful gift, who smile over coffee in the morning and bound off to whatever the day holds full of life and cheer. They even do this when they don't have to do this, even on a Saturday. I run into some of them at the gym. They are so chipper. I believe their behavior to be wrong. I try not to tell them so. I am not always successful.

This past week while at the gym, before the sun had even though about shifting to my side of the globe, one of those cheerful morning types accosted me (yes,she did). She not only wished me a happy morning but she told me to help my self to candy or take some home for my grandchildren. Let me say I do not have any grandchildren. I do not look old enough to have grandchildren. It is unwise for a cheerful morning person to speak to me at all, let alone offer me candy for nonexistent grandchildren. That woman is lucky I am too tired in the morning to let the air out of her tires. It wasn't like I had even had caffeine yet. Goodness.

In addition to sleeping in, I have grown partial to the nap. I like a good hour to snooze away in the afternoon. I think the younger set has it right, though they are sometimes very stubborn about giving into nature. I think I am getting a little crabby about mid day and with a little nap I am wired and ready to go again. I like to stay up late and I am much more productive if I am allowed to get started and keep going uninterrupted. I find that doing that during daylight hours is impossible. The only hope is to wait for life to slow down, and grab a project and work it until you drop or it's finished. That's a nighttime thing.

So here is to sleep in Saturday and the lovely mid afternoon nap. For a world that would run on my time schedule and for everyone to realize I am much too young for grandchildren. Even when I am a grandmother, I expect people to say I am much too young to be a grandmother. Even if I have to pay them to do so. Somethings are just worth the investment.

To all of you Benjamin Franklin morning people, go ahead enjoy the morning. You can even smile and be chipper and cheerful. Just don't call me on Saturday mornings.

I hope this isn't a sacrilege to my fellow sleeper inners but, it turns out the sunrise is just as beautiful as the sunset. I drive home from the gym in awe and wonder watching the sun wake up. It fills the sky with those same gorgeous colors that I love to watch appear in the evening sky. I have been looking forward to the drive home just for that reason. I just can't figure out why on earth God makes it happen to early.

This and other questions will be answered one day. But I bet not on Saturday mornings. In eternity, everyone sleeps in then.

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