Thursday, March 6, 2008

The broken Body

No, not mine, though there are times that it works better than others. In fact, recently it has been working less that sub par for a couple of weeks. I do not know where one goes to complain about such things but if I did I would have gone. I do not like things that are broken. I like them to do what they were meant to do and it frustrates me when anything other than that happens.

But in this particular case I am talking about the Body of Christ. The correlation to my own body and the Body of Christ are accurate though. I expect it to do what it is supposed to do and I am frustrated when it does not. I do not mean perfection. I do get that we are not perfect, none of us, and we will have breakdown moments. Stuff we should have done will go undone and stuff we had no business doing we will do with gusto. I get that. I do not understand though how we can limp so badly in so many ways and still do something effective for the kingdom. This truly must be God, lest anyone boast. If you have ever sat through a committee meeting or tried to accomplish a project, you know this first hand.

I know that there is some maintenance and conditioning required for my body and the Body of Christ. I do know that it takes time to get fit enough for the body and the Body to do what they are supposed to do well. I am confident my time line for this to be accomplished both personally and corporately is unreasonable, I have failed to become famous for my patience. Still it is so frustrating when one wishes to do something and the Body is so fractures it fails. I am feeling that frustration and impatience greatly and it has me going back to re-examine what I think God is calling the Body to do. And more importantly, re-examining what I think I am called to do.

I think this can be a very positive thing even if it has grown from a very negative catalyst but it is still frustrating. I am sure that these moments when rough edges are smoothed, vision is clarified and purpose is defined are a key part in the maintenance and conditioning. I want to have that part. I just hate the process. I would like more than anything to go to bed at night and wake up one step closer to perfection. Why is this not an option? God speaks in dreams, He heals in the dark all the time. Why not make good use of the time?

I am perfectly aware that the Body parts that are malfunctioning are really God's responsibility, but gosh they hurt at times. They make me livid and since throwing them out of the Body is not an option I am left with no choice but allowing God to accomplish His purpose in me and in the offender. I am praying for wisdom in knowing when to speak, when to remain silent and allow God and others to speak. And I am praying for wisdom to know when, as my boss told me this week, the village idiot gets one right and when it's more important to honor someones understanding than it is to correct it. And less spiritually, I am wishing that God would let me smack back just once. I know this isn't the higher road and I want the higher road, but sometimes that low one looks so appealing. You know it does!

All this certainly implies I am the only Body part without defect. This is definitely not the case, but it's my blog. All of those of you who want to complain about me can write your own. Heck, I am not proud, I could list some of my most irritating quirks but then, that would rob you of the joy. I may not be very good but no one can say I am not thoughtful.

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