Saturday, May 31, 2008


I have decided, and I am not entertaining other opinions so just put yours back in your back pocket thank you, that it is time for me to unplug, to let the connection be broken for a bit and go into hibernation. I need to go where there is no rabbit chasing, no stupid sheep, no friends who want to be helpful, no committees, no teams, no responsibilities and no new ideas. I need a box to crawl into, a bag to put over my head, a do not disturb sign. What I do not need is the ghost to Christmas present to bring me any of that milk of human kindness. That stuff ought to be illegal.

Here I am, in my mind, in a cushioned chaise lounge. My body sinks comfortably into the pillows and I have at my elbow a pile of fascinating reading material, all of it fluff and none of it having anything to do with work. A cooler filled with all my favorite beverages and there is a large colorful umbrella shading the area. The air moves lazily by, gently breezes fluffing my hair and bringing the hint of sweet flowers. I can hear birds off in the distance and the sky is bright blue with huge white fluffy clouds ambling past. I have no plans for the day, or the next day, or the next. My appetite is small but when I am feeling peckish strawberries and cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew cut into darling little shapes appear. Yummy chicken salad with grapes and pecans served with salad drizzles lightly with raspberry vinaigrette dressing. Every once in awhile a skewer of peppers and mushrooms and onions and medium rare steak on a bed of wild grain rice and a spinach salad. There are never dishes to clean up. And the clutter removes itself instantly.

I am constantly at peace. I know absolutely everything I need to know, want to know and anything that I might ever choose to know. I am completely unselfconscious. I think I look fabulous and whatever I am wearing does too. And if I do not look fabulous this matters little too. I am not worried about others at all, there are no others. I have a vague sense that perhaps outside of my beautiful world there is another world where others live but for the present they cannot get into my world and I do not have to go to theirs.

Sometimes I simply sit and think vaguely sweet thoughts, my favorite Christmas gift, a special birthday, my first car. I notice color and texture again and appreciate the beauty in how it is assembled, layered, connected. I feel artistic and creative and yet feel no sense of urgency in creating. There is no sense of urgency at all. I am frequently amused by what I am reading, the world around me or in my own thoughts. It's always the exact right temperature, it only rains when I am sleeping and it's the gentle sort of lull you to sleep rain. Wait, I think that is the sound track of Camelot playing in the background.

All of the sudden I am deafened by the sound of all of you unplugging. Nice, isn't it? Lets do this again sometime. No, not together.

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