Thursday, May 15, 2008

Twas the Night before....the night before

It's quiet at my house. I am grateful for the quiet and for the moment just listening to it is enough. I am gazing at a clean home and a less cluttered space and relieved that the recovery process has occurred and at this point, it's just a matter of wrapping up the loose ends and getting everyone where they need to be. How very nice to come to the place where the preparations are done either because they are finished or the time has expired. Then regardless of what it is, it is.

I am taking this moment of peace and quiet and tranquility in a weekend that will be frantic and busy and loud and making note of all the things I have to be thankful for. I will make mental notes and when I am feeling stressed by something, I will pull out one of these gratitude's to improve my attitude. I bet it works. If it doesn't what is it I will have lost? Not my mind, I haven't seen that in years, so why would I worry about anything else.

I am grateful that my family is traveling so far and spending so much to come be at the wedding of my son. I am grateful that my in laws are making the same effort and the same sacrifice to be here. I am so pleased that the rain is moving off and day is projected to be pretty. I am stunned at the thoughtfulness of friends who are giving up a Saturday evening to bring food and help get it served to my family. I am awed not only by their service but by their hearts to do what was needed. That's stunning to me.

I am grateful that my son is strong enough and mature enough to marry and to provide well for his new family one day. I am grateful that he was mature enough to choose wisely. I am glad that the families can mix with respect and enjoyment considering the vast difference in our cultural experiences and our value systems. I am grateful that while it's far from perfect, we do have the space to open our home to our extended family.

I am grateful that I have been so busy so that this has not been a huge monster looming on the horizon, darkening the day. I am so glad that my sons friends have become extended family so that I feel comfortable calling them with questions, and they feel comfortable answering them and asking me a few of their own. I am so grateful that God allowed me to see the days that my children and their friends would bless me in worship and teach me anew that God is the author of all things being new again.

I am grateful that in the midst of change and noise and emotion and drama, my Father loves me so much He blesses me with answered prayer and gentle, loving reminders of His presence. Like the people who cut my grass because the mower isn't working, or the people who called to say they were thinking of me, or who sent cards or email. I am so thankful for humor and absurd moments when I really need to giggle. And that on occasion I provide the giggle for someone else.

I am so very grateful that as one door closes, others are opening, almost before I can panic about a conclusion. I pray that it might ever be so, there is hope and help in an ongoing plan. I am delighted to have both new clothes and new shoes and pleased to have had an occasion to go shopping. New clothing always makes me feel like queen of the universe.

Finally, I am grateful that I have been blessed with the time I have been give and the opportunity to use it well. May it ever be so.

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