Sunday, January 13, 2008

Big City Girl

I have been on another adventure. I take these journeys from time to time and explore the world unchaperoned. This is not as risky for me as it is for the world I wander into, but like all things there is an element of excitement and trepidation anytime you step out into the great unknown. I will admit with my sense of direction every step out is a step into the unknown but this one required crossing several states and arriving at a specific location.

I admit I was cheating too. I have been there a number of times now and I am beginning to know my small portion of Kansas City very well, enough to know where the mall is, the movie theater and several bookstores. Still, I had to go out there on my own AND follow a detour AND make it back. I impress myself, I really do.

Off into the big city I went. I was born in a big city and lived in several pretty good sized ones, but I have been becoming a country girl for more than a decade and have lost my ability to drive in five lanes of traffic smoothly moving from lane to lane. I lost the ability to pull out in front of on coming traffic without flinching. You know what that means, don't you? Yep, they take advantage of the country girl with manners. You can sit for a long time waiting for a break. I did this a little but by the end of the day my attitude was returning and I got better at being more assertive. You do know the assertive is the politically correct form of aggression, don't you? Never admit to aggression, but assertive is perfectly acceptable. I didn't develop road rage or anything, though I was only there for a weekend, but I did get a little less timid and perhaps a small chip on my shoulder.

I also had lots of wonderful experiences. They have restaurants I have only dreamed of visiting. I found a Barnes and Noble big enough to satisfy my need for a book fix and a wonderful place to curl up with coffee and read one of my finds. They had a delightful grocery store with a salad bar like I haven't seen since I left Virginia and a Starbucks on almost every corner. The people I have met there have been very kind to me, adopting me while I am there and making sure I am taking care of with out being smothered. I am learning really good stuff and excited by the material and the discovery that my mind still functions at least in part.

I also am learning that who we are in those deep recesses is who we remain no matter what environment we find ourselves. We respond to our environments no doubt, but we are still the people God made us in our center. I think the country girl in me still loves the stars and vast expanses, the fun in long walks and working in a flower bed. The city girl loves the lights and the action and energy of the city, the opportunities and luxuries of art and excellent coffee. But the adventurous, easily lost girl is still really the same. And the awesome part of that is the more I am at home with myself and growing in love and unity with my Heavenly Father, the more I find peace where ever I go. And the more I find, the more I want.

I found myself chatting joyfully away with a lady at a gas station convenience store. It was a two minute exchange but I know my spirits were lifted by the encounter and I hope hers were too. As I climbed into the car I said thank you for the blessing, started it up, pulled out and was almost back on the highway when it hit me. I not only recognized the gift when I got it, it didn't even surprise me. That my friends is growth. It's fruit for goodness sake! It's reason to celebrate and give thanks.

This city/country girl is going back. I will get lost again and probably need another book and will no doubt get my driving edge back, but I am sure I will still be me, still looking for the opportunity to be a blessing and to see the face of my Father reflected in my world. This is quite an adventure. Climb on in and hold tight!

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