Monday, November 12, 2007

When enough is enough

We are a quarrelsome group. We are. We fight about lots of things, sometimes with great passion, sometimes with little snipes, but we often find ourselves at odds. This has been on my mind for several weeks, mostly because I do not care for that contentious spirit that seems to dominate whenever we are trying to get the Body to unify over one thing or another. Conflict seems necessary in order to shape and refine us, but the arrogance and attitude that accompany conflict wearies me and you too, I bet. More important though is that it keeps us from being one as the Father and Jesus are one, and therefore must be resolved differently.

I am speaking now to all of us, me included. We must be able to square up and face conflict with equal respect for those on all sides. We do not have to agree but we have to respect. We must stay the course in conflict, believing and stepping out in faith that God will provide direction to the whole Body through these times of conflict if we will wait it out. No one can take their stuff and go home. No one can throw anyone else out and no one can decide the opposition, whoever they are and whatever they believe, are of less value and deserve less consideration. In fact, should you be of the mind to believe others, who are in disagreement with you, aren't as wise, informed, educated, enlightened, intellectual, well read should remember they are the parts of the Body we are to treat with special care. And while we often mean 'special' as more like 'special' I think God means with great care.

I have a dear sister in the Lord who is fighting a very valiant war with cancer. I am very proud of her courage and valor, of her one day at a time approach to survival and her ability to let her guard down from time to time and share her fear and weak moments too. In her eyes I see the entire spectrum of emotion, the confidence and the fear, the belief and the doubt, the fight and the resignation, and I am awed and amazed and honored to be her friend. And in the refection of her shadow I am finding the ongoing battles about what we believe, what we value, what we need and what we will work towards somewhat infantile. What on earth does it matter what I get, what I have, what I am when the reality is God is all there ever was, is and ever will be. And God is enough.

I guess it matters what we build but only because I believe God has a plan and we need to listen for it. It matters what we believe but as long as we put our confidence in God, I suspect he will work out the details. I guess it matters who I am and who I am becoming, but I am fully confident that God is working out all those details too, and I don't see how I can be in better hands.

Wonder if today, in the middle of one of our conflicts if we can take a moment and thank God for it, trust that he is using it to accomplish his purpose in us and then trust that those who are present with different views will have good things to share that will help shape the vision and as we put those pieces together get not only direction but God's direction.

Oh Lord, Make it so.

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