Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Great Unknowing

It is a point of interest to me that there are things that we know and there are things that we don't. Then, for no reason I can understand, we discover at random a thing previous unknown, or at least unknown to us. For example, I know an individual who has a very difficult time with anger. They are somewhat infamous for their angry and emotional outbursts yet even though I knew them and worked with them for several years, I did not know this about them. I did not know nor did anyone enlighten me. Only one day I walked into a a full blown episode. I thought about it and similar situations since then. Why did I know the part of their nature and character that I did, and not know the other side. And then why in that moment did it become necessary for me to know the rest of the story.

Why it is that we are clueless about some stuff that seems really obvious? Is it that we are really that blind or is there a reason for us to remain in the dark about somethings for a season or two. I wonder what it is I would have NOT done if I had the whole picture. However, how many problems did I land in because I didn't know better, as well? I don't suppose it matters as I could do little about either, since I am limited to reacting to what I know. Still, it does make me wonder. Are our minds limited because we are fallen broken people or are our minds expanding as we have the ability and maturity to process additional information? Does God in his infinite wisdom hide from us the things we do not know until the time is right?

When I have just discovered some new truth that everyone else already seems to know I am always left to wonder, what else do they know? And do they know because my attempts to cover and divert attention are poor, or because I cannot see myself with the same clarity. You know the next obvious step. If others can do that with me, does it follow that the things I see in others that they never seem to address could be because they can't see as I do? And if this is true, extending grace seems much more urgent and necessary than I had previously considered. You know, it just could be that the reason others don't accept that they are knuckleheads is that they haven't seen it yet.

Then if any of the above has any basis in truth, does it follow that God still sees me as perfect in Jesus while I am still discovering how imperfect I am? When Jesus said, 'it is finished' did He mean the part that I know or all that there is? I think my answer is God knows all and has already redeemed all. So, my knowledge is pretty trivial. It might even but superfluous. The bottom line might be, we know what we know, we don't know what we don't know and absolutely neither has much effect on our relationship with God unless we chose otherwise.

You know what this means, don't you? I have either been incredibly profound or lost in nonsense and probably neither matters.

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