Saturday, November 3, 2007

LIttle Bunny Foo Foo

I am declaring it against the law for any person I will ever know coming to any meeting I will ever attend in order to chase a rabbit. Ever. I do not think this is asking too much. In fact, I believe it is both quite reasonable and a humanitarian act. A gift for all mankind, or peoplekind for you gender neutral people.

You know what I mean, I know you do. Rabbit chasing is when someone, while giving a report includes a sidebar sentence. Something like, and in conclusion on the way home we saw a deer. Person B at the meeting says, yes we saw a deer too. Persons C, D, E all say things like they have seen deer quite often on their way home and they think the population is increasing. Back to person A who says, yes they think that is due to a shortened hunting season. Where person F now jumps in to say, they remember hunting as a child and how excited they were on the first day of deer season and goes on to tell a hunting story. He is interrupted by Person D who has a hunting story equally exciting and then goes on to tell a hunting accident story. Person B has no hunting story but they have had an accident so they tell that story. Before long everyone is into hospital stories and the report is forgotten and the report was the reason for the meeting anyway.

And you know what I am doing, right? I am holding my head and wishing Calgon would take me away. Little Bunny Foo Foo was running through forest and attracted every single person in the room. This leads me to mutter things like 'Ugh', and tap my fingers or pen or click my binder until someone, anyone stops the insanity. Then someone will say something to get us back on target and I am encouraged and get all focused and then before you know it, we are back to chasing another bunny.

Why does this happen? Is it supposed to happen? Is that how we get to know people, when we share the stories of our lives? Are we just walking around primed to tell anyone these events and look for the opening? And if this is the case, are we sure we are supposed to do that meetings? Surely not! Surely we can establish other times to share the gall bladder removal story than a business meeting. Perhaps we could have designated meetings, do you think? We could have a Tuesday morning coffee group that meets solely to discuss the funny things they have seen in Walmart.

I struggle with prayer concern time for just this reason. I am all for praying for folks. I am all for lifting up concern together. I am not for hearing all the details about why it is I need to pray. I like just praying, I think God knows all the details and that's enough. And I hate answering why we are praying for one of my folks. Just take their name and go for it. You know that as soon as you say 'please pray for little Johnny, his nose is bleeding' someone is sitting primed to tell you about their own nose bleed or the nose bleed of someone they know. Geez.

In case I don't get my law passed, lets agree to be reasonable about Little Bunny Foo Foo. Lets agree to try to stick to a topic, to gently and lovingly say, we aren't talking about your aunt Virginia's sock puppets until we have formally taken a break or over the table at lunch. I do care about your stories but not in the context of a committee meeting and certainly no medical stories over lunch (Another no no, telling stories that make may make me queasy.) Pretty please, with sugar on top?

And speaking of sugar, lets have more of that. It's a food I like! Many of the foods I like have sugar: like cereal, bread, noodles, cake, cookies, candy. And speaking of candy, you know Sam is not big on sharing. I have noticed this as a problem with small people, actually big people too. Why just the other day...

See how easy it is, Little Bunny Foo Foo is slick.

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