Sunday, November 18, 2007

Time Out

I wish to know what is the appropriate discipline for adults who are behaving badly?
I know I just confessed that on occasion I behave badly but let's forget me for the moment. I want to know what we are allowed to do with people who do not seem to feel any remorse for behaving badly and instead seem to puff their chests out with pride and go on behaving badly. I know there has to be something we can do. Time out doesn't really seem all the effective. I have searched the Scriptures with great determination and while I certainly found some comfort, I didn't really get a definitive answer.

On the one hand I discovered if someone is sinning in our midst (and annoying me must clearly be sinful) we are allowed to go to them and tell them to stop. We are allowed to go back with others to tell them to stop and if none of that works, we are allowed, says Paul, to put them out of the church and let Satan deal with them. This is pleasing to me today. On the other hand, I am also told to turn the other cheek, forgive not seven times but seven times seventy. I am also told to judge not lest I be judged, reminded the the measure I use for others will be applied to me and that I am being forgiven as I forgive. This isn't such a good deal, I think. I turn to the Old Testament and find lots of serious rule maintenance, which seems to work in my favor and then lots of reminders that vengeance and punishment belong to God, which is hard to argue but takes biding my time.

I have done some thinking and pondering and balancing it all out and you know where it seems to bring me? Right back to the same place I always get to, suck it up and go on. This is a frustration and sometimes the thought of sucking it up and moving on is so aggravating I think I will sit down and go on a spiritual strike. I will not move from this spot until there is some vengeance happening here! You know what always seems to get me going again? My Eternal Father, who is so gracious and loving to me, gently reminds me that while I am filled with righteous indignation, there are many, many folks who are just as annoyed that he has chosen to extend me grace instead of vengeance. This is a good thing to remember. Somehow when given that input, my perspective changes.

So just in case you might be sitting close to me, on strike and full of wrath that we are left with sucking it up and moving on, why don't you lean over and look me in the eyes and say, "You know, it's a glorious thing how much God loves us". I will try real hard to say back, "Yes, it is and it sure makes the rest of it seem unimportant." I bet it wont take too long before we mean it.

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