Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Traditions

It's that delightful moment on Christmas morning. The presents are unwrapped and everyone is happy and enjoying their gifts. The ham is in the oven and it's Christmas nap time. I love Christmas nap time. It is the best nap of the year. It's that wonderful, my responsibilities are finished, I am free moment when there is nothing left that has to be done but rest. It doesn't last long, it's a small block of time between the unwrapping and the dinner preparations, but it is wonderful.

The Christmas nap is a custom that has long been handed down in my family. My parents would get up with us at the crack of dawn, or prior to the crack of dawn,watch us unwrap all of our wonderful presents and then go back to bed. As the years went by, we all got up, all unwrapped and all went back to bed, or at least my sister and I did. When my kids got old enough to be up without me I would be back in bed the minute the tape was off the last gift and all the ohhhh's and ahhhh's had faded. It is a tradition that should be practiced by all. Many times extended family has called our home and talked to the husband while I was snoozing away. I don't know why they didn't know it was time to sleep. Good thing he doesn't need to nap as long as I do.

I personally prefer the holiday tradition where the Christmas nap is followed by the Christmas bath. This is not for cleanliness purposes. This is for lying in soft warm soapy water, book in hand and the family locked on the other side of the door. "Honey, the house is on fire!" "That's okay, this is the way I want to go."
The book that always goes with me on Christmas is Will Mrs. Major Go to Hell? which is a collection of writings by Aloise Buckley Heath. My parents got this book for me a long time ago because they thought she was someone I would enjoy and would relate to, and they were completely right. There is much in her writings that I identify completely with, and get tickled by and think I know this person, she is living my life!!! It is the perfect Christmas read. It has no profound truth, it inspires no response but total enjoyment. Ah, the rest to simply enjoy without agenda. Who would have thought such a thing still existed?! I think the secret lays in the date it was written, while I was in my infancy. I think it explains a lot.

The book also makes me think of my dad. My dad loved this book and wanted me to share his enthusiasm, which was easy. I think that's how it is some time when you have a strong response to things. You want others to feel the same way and it's so comforting when they do. I will read something that makes me giggle and I wish for my dad because he would giggle too. He has been gone for a long time, I think this is the 10th Christmas, but Mrs. Major makes him very alive to me. I can see his eyes twinkle when he tells you something he enjoys. I like to think that in eternity with God, his eyes sparkle all the time.

Another wonderful Christmas tradition we need to celebrate is the giving and receiving of homemade goodies. I mean when others give them to me and I receive. This is a wonderful thing and I am concerned it could be fading. You people out there need to hold fast to these traditions. I cannot make fudge or all those wonderful Christmas cookies. I need you to keep this up!

The tradition that means the most to me is in the week that follow Christmas in preparation of the New Year. I always take some time and try to reflect on the changes in my children over the last year. To think about all God has done in our lives, to see all the ground we covered and to celebrate some of the successes. I try to make a record of funny things people have said, times when I got teary or was surprised by God's grace. I want to savor the gifts in the last year so I can remember to take them with me into the next.

There are lots of traditions that make this season magical. I would write more but we are cutting into the nap/bath and this cannot be permitted. May this day fill you with the awe and wonderful of a God so big and so powerful yet loving His creation so much that He became a part of it, to show us the way home. And as you celebrate take a moment to say thank you, and enjoy His sabbath rest.

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