Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rolling with the Punches

I love people who rise to the occasion. I just love those people who, when their plans go awry, put on a big smile, put their best foot forward and somehow make you think that this new plan is so much better than their old one. Whose ability to size up the seriousness of a situation and make a good judgement is so comforting and assuring that everyone responds with confidence. I just think these people hung the moon. I would like to sing an ode in their honor, only no one does that anymore. Thank goodness.

I am not this person. I can be funny during these moments. I can exude a calm exterior and a warm grin. I can be reassuring and I can do what I am told. But I am not at all at peace. I am furious that my plans are being thwarted (this is a big no), I am trying hard to think of a replacement plan, one equally perfect to the first, and I am repeating my mantra, 'this is no big deal, this is no big deal, this is no big deal'. Because, of course, I think it is a huge deal and I am going to be ashamed of this shortly.

The last few days I have had great examples of taking a punch and rolling with it. We had a wild storm come through here on Sunday morning. We had no power and it was our day to be in mission and ministry. Many of our projects were outside, all of our music and sound needed power for worship and quite frankly it was a mess. Cars were damaged in our lot. I really was clueless about what to do. I thought it was smarter to give it up and send everyone home only sending them out might be worse than keeping them. I was smiling big and thinking fast and feeling way over my head. I needed someone to hear all the concerns and make good decisions, and my pastor did. I sure did like him in that moment.

It is not any one's favorite thing, rolling with the punches. But those who know how to take a hit and rebound with grace and ease take away the sting. It's a gift to everyone there as well as ones self. This rocks. This is win/win and it is what I want God to do in me. I want to learn to take a punch better and see it as an opportunity to be a blessing and to bless rather than endure and survive. To take my big deal and quite trying to convince myself it is not, but claim the greater deal it could be. Wouldn't that be cool?

I know perfectionism has its roots very well anchored in insecurity. Wont it be delightful to come to the place where one's security is so complete in their value and worth as a child of God that the rest of this stuff is like water from a duck. Doesn't even make an impression. Oh Lord, make it so. Now would be good.

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