Saturday, September 6, 2008

North and south going Zax

I had the painful experience of observing a north going Zax and a south going Zax carefully try to navigate each other this week. It was a truly very difficult for both and they were trying very hard to honor one another. Only the desire to honor one another when intersected with the deeply ingrained directional indicator was causing an intense response. It was not expressed, it was just below the surface but it radiated out into the room and everyone there was effected.

I was pained for both parties and I understood that for each the need was beyond having their way. These were set points that were being seriously pushed and the result was such an electrified environment that it stressed everyone who came into it. Words were dripping with emotion, movement was careful and guarded, discomfort was everywhere. It was frightening and sad and overwhelming all at the same time.

I thought about it for a long time and still have no resolution for how some of that could be diffused. Neither party is being willful, both have a tremendous need here and it is taking a carefully choreographed dance to keep everyone moving in rythm. I believe in this moment all participants had lost track of the shared music and were hearing their own strains loudly.

My Zax friends are bound for a destination neither of them want. This is a hardship. They are approaching the journey from an entirely different bent, this is also a problem. They are not free to say what they are feeling because they deeply love one another and they don't wish for the journey to be more of a burden for the other. They are tied up in knots all the time and they don't know how to unravel them. They are trying to keep their knots private but they cannot, they spill out into the world around them and this creates additional stress.

I wish I could help. I can't change their destination either. I can't rearrange their set points or give them a way out. I don't know how to really listen to either without being more of an intrusion and I don't know how to make it safe for them to express the emotion and tension. I have tried to be creative and I have no ideas. I can't come up with anything that wouldn't be an even greater invasion.

I am praying, and I am coming to the conclusion that there are truly times when the only way a north going Zax and a south going Zax who have come foot to foot and face to face reach resolution is by divine intervention. I think this is easier when the Zax want a resolution and my Zax do. They just wanted a different resolution. I wanted a different resolution for them. In some things, the answer is only to bend the knee. This is one of them.

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