Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back and Beyond

Had a great trip to the end of the world this week. It was through some of the prettiest countryside you can imagine. My cell phone service came and went and I went across hill and dale and it was lovely. I was really enjoying myself tremendously when my car made this ding sort of sound. It wasn't a bad ding like a you are going to die ding or anything, but it was kind of a get you attention ding.

So, I looked on the dashboard and there was a cute little red gasoline pump and the words "You have 18 miles to empty." I will admit that my immediate thought was, huh. Wonder where I am, wonder where there is gasoline and wonder if anyone will come looking for me if I fail to show up. For a few moments I did wonder if I would be eaten by bears if I tried to wander off into the country side seeking help. Before long the message had changed to "You have 10 miles to empty" which I felt to be an exaggeration as I haven't driven eight miles, but it did make me slightly insecure because I was now wondering how much you could trust the gage.

Before long I spot a sign that announces my destination and I am relieved as it seems that all my troubles are over. It does for a moment dawn on me that I am going to meet those who will be my superiors and perhaps it would be tacky to ask them to go off to find a gas station and fill a gas can and then bring it back to me. But I am not unduly concerned. These things have a way of working themselves out.

At lunch I meet a very nice gentleman who is from the area and describes it to me with great enthusiasm. I was absolutely all ears because I felt sure that at any moment he was about to tell a story about time when he had to find a gas station which turned out to be just up the road. No such luck. He announced he was finished with lunch and before he left the table I said, no doubt this sounds like a strange hypothetical question but supposing I was in a new area, miles from anything commercial and I needed gasoline. Where would one find it, oh in a place like this. He was not at all deceived but he was gracious and said "good thing you asked. Turn left and go about 200 yards and you will find a station". Then he did the sweetest thing ever: he leaned forward so he was very close to my ear and whispered "Can you drive 200 yards?". That was just so darling I would have kissed his head, but he didn't really seem like the head kissing type. I said yes, according to my car I can go 8 miles. He laughed, handed me his card and said, "let me know how I can be of help to you". A saint, the man is a saint.

Too bad he wasn't with me when I arrived at the gas station and discovered I had lost my debit card. Oh well, even super heroes get an afternoon off.

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