Sunday, September 9, 2007

Bubbles Troubles

I took a bath in the jacuzzi last night. I hardly ever do that. It's in the bathroom downstairs and I just usually take a shower upstairs. But I wanted to soak a little and that sounded like a great idea to me. I was right, it was an awesome idea. The water was warm and I put in some delicious smelling bubble bath and turned on the jets. It really took less time than it will take for me to tell you about it to realize I had made a mistake. Those darling little bubbles took to the jet streams like fish to water and before long I had enough suds to do one of those 50's movies with Doris Day in the bathtub. They were several inches thick and I got so tickled I nearly drown. It did smell heavenly and I did have that one passing thought that if I drown I would be at least very clean when I was discovered

It is amazing to me how these great ideas I have sometimes go astray. There always seems to be something about whatever it is I am trying to do that I have failed to remember. Sometimes it's stuff that I never knew or thought to inquire. I am often astonished when information that would have changed everything comes to light, a day after it was needed. Someone is always saying something trite to me about hindsight is 20/20. Fat lot of good that does me. Why does this happen?!

I am a planner. I like a plan, an agenda, a list. I like people to behave as I have scheduled them to do so and I really think the world would be a much better place if everyone would just do what I tell them to do. I know that days when the plans work and the schedule goes according to the agenda, I am content. Days that don't upset me and I am forced to mutter to myself and think how fortunate it is for those who are blocking my progress that I am not really in charge.

Yet there is no doubt that quite often the bubbles get out of control. I wouldn't even insult your intelligence by telling you anything else. So why do I need to be in charge anyway?! Surely someone as bright and gifted as I am clearly should be able to look at column A, all my bright ideas and endless plans and need to organize and run everything, and add it to column B where I have failed to realize that bubbles and jets are not likely to co-exist peacefully and realize I might need to lay down the reigns and trust that God knows better.

I think God enjoyed the bubbles. Quite frankly, I adored them, and the tub was sparkling afterwards. Not all of my shortsightedness is as fun though. Sometimes the things I forget and don't know take more time to repair. I see no way around the problem though. I cannot make myself think better or remember more. But I can do this: I can remember that while I think God is fine with me planning and organizing, I may be asked to let go and let Him redirect me. I might be asked to lay down a schedule for a better way every now and then. And I think more than anything else, I will need to keep my humor intact. I think I will find lots of things to chuckle over.

Maybe no more bubbles in the jacuzzi. I don't know though, that was all kinds of fun. Maybe less bubbles and a mop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did that once. Trying to get bubbles to go the way you want is just about like herding cats. Frustrating, but fun to play with!

Love your duck.