Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Church: This is not who we are

Everyone has an opinion.  They are a dime a dozen and most people have no problem giving any number of them away.  You can find an opinion on any topic you can think of, and some no one ever has.  While opinions are fascinating, and have the unique gift of helping others learn who we are, they serve no purpose in bringing unity to a community.

The very nature of an opinion divides us from others.  It may help a group of people who share the same opinion find us, and stand around us so we feel affirmed, but they separate us from everyone else.  Has any one noticed lately how good we are a separation?   Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if instead of piling on, the Church became the great connector?

Honestly, taking sides is NOT the purpose of the Church.  I know, it has been the function of the church, but it is not the purpose of the Church.  Church is not a gathering place for like minded people to pat one another on the back and feel good about being like minded.  Yes, I am aware that in many places that is how church is being done.  I understand why that is a natural resting place when we have the option of forgetting the Gospel and settle for a group of people, just like me.  Only, we don't.

We are a people who serve as light bearers to the world we live in.  We have been gifted and called to serve as the hands and feet of Christ to the people we encounter everyday, our neighbors.  We don't wait for the politicians, the legal system, or the poll data, we share the unconditional love of Christ to the best of our ability every day.  Perhaps I said that wrong, we are called to do so.  There are places where they are, but many have forgotten that this is part of the covenant we were adopted into.

God loves us to much that He doesn't withhold anything to restore a relationship with us, not even Jesus.  Jesus lived, died and was resurrected to give us the pathway that leads to this journey, not just for eternity, but for living into this divine, incarnate relationship every day.  Our response to living this relationship leads us to connect with our world to offer the same relationship to everyone we meet.  Even those with opinions that make no sense to us. 

I will confess right now that this relationship with God, expressed in the Trinity,(God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit) is so core to my being that without it I would be a shell of a person.  I know what it has done for me in so many ways I cannot even remember then all.  How could I not want that for every person God sends my way?  How could the Church not?  Even if we don't have the same opinion, freedom is so intoxicating who wouldn't want to offer it to everyone?!  Can I go even farther and say, if we don't want to do so, do you suppose we don't truly have the relationship we are claiming?  Maybe we aren't free ourselves, and how did that ever happen?

It's beyond time Church.  Please wake up and step into the glorious Body of Christ, where we certainly love and support one another, and we eagerly hope to welcome more and more 'parts' so that we get to see God's Kingdom come, and God's will be done.  Will it be more challenging?  You bet it will!  How much is the joy of the Kingdom worth?

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