Friday, July 19, 2013

Beyond Offended

I have been known to be offended.  Sometimes, in that need I have to be counter cultural, I become offended with people who are offended by me.  Being offended has become a God given right.  If I had a nickle for every time someone suggested I be more diplomatic in sharing a concept, I would be at least $2 richer.  We must be politically correct, we should not say anything that would offend others, and if we have been offended we are entitled to notify the newspaper, police department and all of our friends on facebook and twitter.  We put our hands on the proverbial hips and we announce we have been offended, and the traffic halts and there is such a loud corporate gasp that for just a split second all time stands still.  To cause someone to be offended is a sin greater than all other sin combined.  Many a church meeting has been interrupted and derailed because some person offended some other person.

This week the Upper Room posted this picture to their facebook status.   I usually like their stuff, so I always peek to see what they have to say on any given day.  Only Rene Descartes and the Upper Room offended me greatly with this post.  Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it.   

As I try to tell the truth as often as I can, except with regards to my age and my weight, I will confess that this bothered me.  Rene Descartes got right under my skin and try as I might, this little image was stuck in my brain.  Darn it, what do you suppose the Holy Spirit might be saying to me about the right to be offended? 

I am working up a sermon on relational ministry, so I am up to my eyebrows in scripture concerning what Jesus, Paul, Matthew,  Luke, Peter and so many others had to say about doing life together.  I am finding a lot about going the extra mile, sacrificing for others, giving thanks in all things, taking on the mind of Christ, considering it all joy, supporting each other, focusing on the good, abiding in Jesus always, pouring out, being a servant to all, waiting with expectation for the redemption that is coming.  I have found nothing yet that says, be easily offended, demand others honor your desires and sensitivities, insist on your own way, and fight until you are treated in the manner in which you wish to become accustomed.  I haven't given up, but I am beginning to believe Rene and the Holy Spirit are calling me to more.

What would life be like if my spirit could soar so high that offense didn't stick to me?  How much yuck, bad feelings and disappointment would I avoid if it all went by without having any impact at all?  Could there be freedom in avoiding all of that stuff that I dislike so very much in surrendering my right to be offended?

I am almost sold on the idea, but the practical application I see as being challenging.  I have years of experience after all in keeping score, taking offense and getting the satisfaction of having an apology or, if we are really telling the truth, making others pay.  Can I honestly live into a place where offense isn't even a possibility in my faith walk?  I don't know, but I hope so.   I have decided I will take Rene's prayer to be my own.  I want to reach that glorious place that Paul assures me exists: to learn to be content in all seasons, even seasons where others are offensive.  If I can convince my heart that my ego is a bad directional indicator, I see light on the horizon.

 This moving on to perfection is a full time job.  My only hope is to wait on the Lord and to soar on wings like eagles.  I just might learn to like soaring, it looks like fun from where I am standing.

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