Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Battle Rages On

I had one of those weeks.  One of those weeks that is so common to the human experience that right now everyone's head is nodding, and their eyes are glazing over, and they are saying to themselves, me too buddy, me too.  I know that my 'those weeks' is no worse than anyone else's.  I am not even looking so much for sympathy as empathy.  Someone once told me, when I complained about never seeming to make my money and my month match, "Look around, honey.  You are bound to see people you know."  I think in your misery it helps to look around and realize you are in good company. 

Because it has been one of those weeks, I have gone back to the basics.  It has been a good thing for me.  I have forgotten to practice some of the things I preach.  I am not waking up in the morning and suiting up in the armor God has given me to battle against those forces Paul describes in Ephesians 6 as " the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." 

I have failed to remember this journey with God is not always a delightful stroll through shady pathways, or breezy beaches, or even hiking up mountain trails.  Those are delightful times of rest for weary souls, or challenges to our spiritual muscles, or even times of remember who we are, and whose we are.  I like those times.  I might like them too much, so when I am returned to the battlefield, I am unprepared and ill equipped.  Much like attending a banquet to celebrate, staying far too long, and eating way too much, sometimes we just don't get that the party is not a way of life. 

I missed some early signs that the cosmic powers of this present darkness were advancing on my borders.  I was ill prepared and was taken by suprise when the attack was launched.  It did some damage honestly, and would have been much more effective had God not known already how ill equipped this little soldier had become.    What is so amazing about God is even when we know better, God provides for our ineptness.  Not only provides but uses it to show us how very precious we are to Him.  While I was snoozing on my watch, God called up prayer warriors to come to my aid, both in prayer and in presence.  I was reminded again that we are truly not battling flesh and blood, and we are certainly not battling in our own strength and ability.  So, though harm was intended, grace wins again, and I am back to the basics of suiting up to go to battle.  It isn't so bad really, we know God wins in the end.  The battle is ongoing but the victory is certain.

So suit up fellow soldiers.  We battle an enemy that is not flesh and blood, that is within our gates, that is hoping to cause misery since it cannot have victory.  Stand firm.  Pray without ceasing.  Look around, you are bound to see people you know doing battle right along side of you.  Somehow the battle is easier knowing you have good company!

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