Monday, January 12, 2009

Second Verse, same as the first

Anyone remember a song about Henry VIII that had that line, "Second verse, same as the first"? I don't remember who sang it, though I know with google as a ready resource there is no excuse for not knowing. It's that today I am lazy and I do not want to take the time to look it up. Not only that but I am using a borrowed computer and none of the things work like my things. I do not know why this should be the case. I would think if I like it to be a certain way, everyone should feel similarly inclined. What would the point be otherwise. I mean, lets get real here. I do stuff that makes sense. Always.... Mostly. I intend to do that anyway.

Back on topic, here we are in January and I am working hard to stick to my plans for 2009. I am trying to do my Bible study every day. I am going to the gym at least three times a week, and I am trying hard to eat more sensibly. I am looking at time management and trying to make sure I am taking care of all my people. Only daggone it, something goes wrong from time to time. I don't know what the something is. I don't plan for it to go wrong, if you know what I mean. I have often failed because I made my schedule so doggone rigid that one deviation and the whole thing sunk. So I was intentional about making sure that didn't happen. I looked at my calendar and didn't do several things I would have enjoyed doing because....they didn't fit in and I was trying not to overload my time. I have been thinking a little before I put things into my mouth and I allowed a wonderful butter cream frosting laden piece of cake to be tossed after only a bite or two. Wait! Is that the sound of a bell ringing somewhere? Surely I have earned my wings by now! Is it okay to quit now?

I will admit I am the worst person at tolerating people who think intention is all that matters. That thinking good things, and even going good places should be enough. There is no accomplishment and I find this infuriating not only because there is no change but also, because they are so smug and satisfied because they talked about, because they agreed it was a good idea. Because they read the book, attended the seminar, because they got their card punched. I am scathing in my criticism of such behavior and I constantly demanding they step up, work hard, by gosh accomplish something.

Then these resolutions come around and the truth is revealed. I am carping at my own image in the mirror. I am when it comes to personal commitment to follow through just as intention based verses of accomplishment based as anyone. I am pleased as punch to have made the effort and feel it is okay not to want to ride it out in the day to day, one foot in front of the other, living it out. I tried is enough. The second verse, the same as the first.I am committing to changing the song. I am determined that by the grace of God this year, I will sing a different kind of verse, one about daggone it I have screwed up but I am starting again. One about not finished but moving forward, not home, but heading in that direction. I know, of course, I cannot will myself to stick it out, try harder, get it right. I promise you, I am driven enough that if that is all it took, we would be finished.  I know God meets us in perseverance and faithful surrender to His will. He wants to write a new second verse for all of us. One about His mercy new every morning and one about His grace being sufficient and His redeeming nature making those places once broken, whole. Want to read a second verse? Check out the Bible; the Psalms are full of them, as are the Old Testament, the Gospels, the letters. It wasn't about getting in and stopping, filled with great intentions and low expectations. It is about getting in, dreaming big and, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, learning to sing a new song.

I am ready for a new verse, the old one has lost it's charm and it's familiarity no longer is enough comfort. I am ready for more, God is waiting to teach me more. I hope this verse rocks! I think I can already hear the drum line.

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