Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I am stunned by the number of books there are on transformation. I am now in personal possession of several that are all about helping churches transform so they can transform their people who will go on to transform their community who then will transform the world. It's kind of like a giant wave. They are all good reading and all very helpful, I think. I have learned a lot that is practical and applicable and I am already thinking through how some of this applies to our programming and education.

So, I guess the question I have is....why aren't we seeing more transformation? I am surely not the first person to read these books. I am certainly not the first person who has been desperately seeking transformation within my own church as well as my denomination. I am confident I am not the only person who has seen the level of mediocrity we have been reduced to, or worse, and been horrified by it. I don't think I am the only one who craves more of God, to know as I am fully known.

So why is it not catching? There are certainly churches where transformation has occurred and there are places where it has spread to the community. The birth of the mega church is part of that equation, I believe. But which part, I don't know. Did they start the transformation dialogue as in 'gosh what are they doing that we aren't' which lead to some books or did they read the books and put the theory into practice? I grow weary of hearing about church models and how they don't work but how on earth can we keep hearing about transformation and remain so totally untransformed?

Here I guess is where I betray my own fears. Is God really calling me to transformation or is this an exercise of arrogance where I think I have a calling to help this process when in reality there can only be transformation by the intervention of the Holy Spirit? Can we really partner with the Holy Spirit to bring about transformation? Is there such a thing as creating an environment where the Holy Spirit can transform lives? I guess I am wondering how to know if this planning and research and training and investment has become about how clever we people are at creating a means of grace and how to know when God has ordained one. I think I can say that with some conviction, that if this is a calling from God, I will study, research, work hard to inspire and motivate, put in the time to do whatever the call is to be faithful. But if this is all me, lets stop the train now and let me get off. I have been on adventures that lead to no where in particular and I have the tee shirt, thank you very much.

So I am praying, and waiting and watching. Father Thomas Keating said knowing the will of God is difficult, one must wait for the fruit. I am certainly surrounded by some nuts, the fruit can't be far behind.

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