Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dreaming Big

Remember talking about what we were going to be when we grew up? We were all going to be doctors and lawyers and Indian Chiefs. We were going to save the world or the whales or some other endangered species. We were going to stop pollution and 'make the world a better place, just you and me'. Do you remember that?

I wonder sometimes how many of us ended up as doctors and lawyers and Indian chiefs. Some of us did, of course. I don't think I have ever saved a whale, but I do brake for dogs and cats and small animals when they cross the road in front of me. Does this count? I am not really sure you can say I have made the world a better place, though I have faithfully thrown trash in the trash can and always return my cart to the cart corral at Walmart.

Can't really explain the value in dreams only we all have them, discuss them, encourage each other in them. I can remember as I sit here now the dreams my brother and I discussed on rainy afternoons when we were stuck in the house in each others company all afternoon. Of course, those were also the days when the bunk beds he and our older brother slept on were some form of flying machine that took us to various places in the world. We were big dreamers, and we saw the world from his bunk bed.

We grew up, we travel by car and plane these days, but I am still dreaming. I don't know what I want to be when I grew up yet, but I do know that in my dreams the focus has changed. I now fantasize about houses that stay cleaned, gorgeous clothing always in my size and on sale, killer shoes that look awesome, feel great and are buy one and get one free. My children, who I used to dream would love God,stay clean, have excellent manners, a good work ethic and inspire respect and love in those around them, I am now dreaming will love God and be so financially sound they wish to support me.

I think dreams are good. I think living in a dream world is not so good. But I think when we can take a dream and move it into the real world, that is best. When we can dream of ways to communicate better, worship better, share our faith better, meet the needs of people God brings into our lives better, this is surely when we are at our best. When we use God given imagination and creativity to take a dream and make it a reality, gosh does it get better than that?!

So I am dreaming. I am dreaming of a day when the church has grown to perhaps double it's size, where we are intentionally developing disciples for Jesus Christ, where church is not a weekly check off the list, but a state of being. I am dreaming of a day when we see the fruit of faithful prayer in our church, in our community and in the wider circles of the world around us. I am dreaming of the day when our church is synonymous with missions, with outreach, with study and with excellence, but mostly where the love of God is expressed in ways that are felt, understood and absorbed.

Until that becomes a reality I am just praying for it to happen, working in daily expectation and looking for the shoe bargains. Growing the kingdom is my priority, looking good in the process is nice too.

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