Monday, July 4, 2011

The Patriotic Christian

I am one of those 'proud to be American' types that have been the negative focus of some of the politically correct movement inside the church.   Let me say that I do not think this is because I am naturally on the opposite side of any form of political correctness.  Or because I am oppositional defiant, as I have so often been accused.  And I don't think it is because I often choose the other side, just because I can be, though honesty forces me to admit that any of these reasons would probably be enough for me. 

'Get the American flag out of the Sanctuary', I hear a lot these days. 'The anti Christ is likely to be Lee Greenwood, and the military is already in his pocket'.  There has been such a wave of only anti patriotic religious stuff, that it makes my head hurt.  I wonder why on earth we think it is worth this kind of attention.  I mean honestly people, if Nero really did fiddle while Rome burned, has he become the patron saint of the mainline church?!

Do you really believe in a world where the influence of the church is at a historically low point, close to irrelevant, that what we should worry about is where we place the American flag?  Do you think this will be attractive to the Joe American we are hoping to welcome into God's Kingdom?  Hey, come on in, but check your love for you native land at the door.  We are above that sort of thing here.  Heck ya, sign me up!

All sarcasm aside for the time being, and this will be a brief respite, I like being an American.  I do not consider it higher than my status as being a child of God, and I do not think I am somehow superior to anyone else on the planet, but I like my heritage.  I like the country in which I live, I like the freedom I have to believe as I wish, work where I want, entertain myself in mostly whatever ways occur to me. (I say mostly only because some of the ideas that occur to me are neither safe or affordable. )  I do not think the country has been without flaw and failure.  I don't think we can claim our history has been without shame or horrors.  Even with all that, I can think of no where else in the world I would rather live.   I am willing to lay that down if it is a stumbling block to someone.  I do not have to say the pledge of allegiance, or sing God bless America, if someone is going to get all hot and bothered.  I am all about being sensitive to my brothers and sisters if this is a stumbling block for some. 

What I am not about is supporting the political posturings of some who seem to want the church to be an extension of their party affiliates, on either side.  I hope everyone votes and takes their rights and responsibilities as citizens seriously, we all are called to be faithful to the authorities over us.  But do not mix up preference politically with the call of the church.  We are not called to be conservative or liberal, we are called to be surrendered servants, who are faithful to God's calling, whether it suits us or not.  We serve all, we go anywhere and we do whatever, regardless of our likes, dislikes, personal agenda or political persuasions.  

Having ranted and raved, I must also confess, I have my own political opinions.  They are less absolute than they once were, as life has taught me there is no absolute except for the nature of God.  I am less likely to vote a party line or assume anything, but I have my own set of biases.  No one is exempt in carefully separating the revelation of God in the scripture and traditions of the church from the filters we carry, political, personal, cultural.   Before we open our mouths to speak an opinion, we might do well to consider if we are speaking for God or for us, and give or take credit as appropriate.

If you are a patriotic Christian, a very happy July 4th to you.  If you are not, well, enjoy the fireworks and the day off.  It's not hard to find a reason to be grateful, one way or the other.  I will move on to the next thing I can be opposed to.  So much to argue about, so little time.

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