Saturday, June 11, 2011

Worship by the Book

Worship direction is not for cowards.  Let me just say, for the record, if one goes off to direct worship for a venue larger than the local church, one must be prepared to patrol the boundaries and be willing to take prisoners as necessary.  I heard once of a lady running worship for a very large body, referred to as "She who must be obeyed".  I know why now.  All that sweetness, and kindness, and gentleness, that we are encouraged to value is a serious handicap in the behind the scenes world of corporate worship.  One must grow the skin  of a rhino, and the flexibility of a circus performer.  One must speak softly but carry a big stick.  One must smile a lot and say ridiculous things to your team on the head set or all of the joy in life might disappear.

Actually, I enjoyed myself mostly.  I also learned a great deal about worship, about playing nicely with others, about being overruled and realizing reason doesn't trump rank.  Its messy in the Body of Christ!  

Here's the summary:
1.  Good worship is both totally planned and totally spontaneous.  The planning is truly the container, the structure that allows the Holy Spirit to move in power.  Planning depends on the Spirit to bring the life into the liturgy.

2.  Sometimes the best idea will come from the most unlikely sources.  Its a good idea to listen for it.  The guy off stage with no church background and some serious ongoing issues probably has the idea needed.

3.  Its ego and pride that holds onto a plan that has been vetoed by the boss.  Give it up and trust God is still God.

4.  When it all is said and done, worship that is pleasing to God is worship with God at the center.  Doesn't leave a whole of lot room for a cast of characters to fight for the light.  If we remember that somehow amazing things happen.

I would do it again, a little smarter this time,  but I am also content to let others have their moments in the backstage wings.  I am fairly sure we have enough talent to share this wealth and let it grow because new ideas and creativity are invited in.  I hope we continue to press on to the place where worship is less about us and more about God.  I hope we continue to use music and art and liturgy and sacrament to lead people deeply into the presence of God.  I hope one day to be sitting in the worship space, celebrating God and giving thanks for the person in the headset making it all happen.  I believe that will be a moment of true victory, loving God and loving His people naturally.  Good place to be.

I am saving this worship book in the meantime.  You never know what God might have in store!

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