Thursday, June 4, 2009

Voices on the Headset

I have just completed a conference where I got to be the stage manager. I just love jobs that give you titles, don't you? I don't think stage manager was capitalized, which would have made it better, but still it was a title and more importantly, I had a headset. Yes, and wait, there's more! With my headset came a delightful little box that had a button that turned on and off my microphone. A title, a seat at a special table (I believe I had forgotten to share this benefit) and equipment. Short of getting paid for it, I can't see how it could have been better.

With my headset and my title, I had permission to give a running commentary of what was going on in the conference. I got to say things like, so and so is approaching the podium, or lectern or center stage or lights up or lights down or other exciting tidbits of information along these same lines. At first, nervous about doing the job well, along with a team of others who were nervous about doing the job well, we were a little tense and very focused on the business at hand. Everyone was talking at the same time, too much information all the time and no one quite sure what it was we were doing. By day two we were relaxing, having made it through the challenging day before, and by day three we had become our own little community within the community. In fact, we weren't a part of the conference at all, we were our own conference. Follow this logic for a moment, if you can. Our conference was based on observing and supporting another conference going on at the same time. While we were all in the same place, and presumably all on the same page, we were in fact, in our own little audio visual world and while we were in the midst of the conference we were in fact set apart.

Our conversation started out to be informative and it moved on to be connective. We began to comment on what we were producing. As time went on people began singing along, whether they were supposed to or not. There began to be comments on people in the audience who were sleeping and speakers who were either inspirational or long winded. The comment and direction of camera shots were interspersed with comments about the quality of the shot or it's beauty. At the end of the conference when the last blessing was pronounced and I could say, 'that's a wrap' (which is a very cool thing to get to say), over the same headset I heard the group discuss with joy the experience of working together as a team and the hope we would get to do so again. In a world looking for connection, isn't it interesting that a shared purpose and mission over three days brought about community among people who could not even see one another. Just voices in the headset, who somehow became family.

Even more interesting, this was a Christian conference where connection and community ought to be the overriding purpose for gathering. Yet, the renewal I have heard about did not happen during the business or even worship of the conference but in the hallways where friends met, at meals that were shared and in this little community of voices on the headset. I have been pondering this greatly. I am thinking of other conferences and retreats I have attended where my mind was expanded, my heart was touched and I came home tired but so satisfied and learned spiritual truths that I continue to live from today. I became a part of a community of fellow believers who for a time chose to set apart time and experience God together. I feel for those who attended the overall conference who did not have this experience. I am sorry we couldn't pass out headsets to everyone, I am sorry not all had friends to meet in the hallways or over a bowl of chips and salsa. I want something more for everyone, I believe this is God's desire as well. I know more exists, I have experienced it. I loved it enough to want it for everyone who hungers to know more of God and feel the connection of the family of faith.

I pray this is the year that those who plan for such events will form a prayer team who will sit in the presence of a mighty God who desires such things for His children. I pray that this is the year that those who hunger for more will be fed and that all will return home with a sense of being filled up to overflowing with the love of God. I pray that this is the year we reach out and connect with one another and remind each other we serve shoulder to shoulder no matter where we serve. I pray this is the year that at the end of conference there is a joy from time spent together, sharing the same purpose and vision, even without a headset. Because, that's mine and so is the title.

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