Monday, April 26, 2010


I do not know when hollow milk chocolate Easter bunnies were first introduced, but it was a very sad day.  A hollow milk chocolate bunny is just a very sad and pathetic shadow of what a chocolate bunny should be.  It should be thick and deep and leave teeth marks when you bite into.  It should fill you mouth and coat your throat with sweet, delicious, delightful chocolate that  means you can really only eat a bite to two without taking a break.  You have to pity the bunny that is hollow, just a shell of a rabbit really.  There is so much missing.

I am feeling like that poor sad bunny tonight, awfully hollow inside.  Just a shell of a person really.  Not much substances, just a lot of cotton wool and emptiness.  Not much to bite into, there is so much missing.  A very sad, pathetic kind of person today.

I am confident that this is a means of grace.  I am confident that the best part of being hollow is that it has made so much room for God.  All of the overwhelming sadness that has created a barrier that shoved all the stuff that was filling me up before. Now the sadness has created a new God shaped space where grace can be pumped in like insulation.  Maybe exactly like insulation.  Then the next great sadness may have less space to clear, and I may never get as hollow as I have today.  That's the way it is with grace, you know. 

I do not know how long it takes, to allow grace to fill all the hollow places.  I would like for it to be soon, though I do not have the energy to be in too much of a hurry for anything.  I know that it is worth waiting for.  I know that the grace that will flood in will be like light, and warmth and hope and security.  An Easter bunny worth eating. 

Now that is a goal to aspire toward!